Thursday, December 22, 2011

More specialty kitchen tools

#3. Carrot curler But this post is not even about the #4 gadget that caught me off-guard at Sur La Table. It's about expanding horizons no matter what are the circumstances. I shopped at Target. I had to get some boring stuff like plain sport t-shirts and some grocery basics. The only thing I'm passionate about when at Target are these Archer Farms Strawberry Pull-Apart Fruit Peels
But never underestimate the kitchen tools section of Target. It's small but freaky. I looked for a gift to a dear friend who pretty much can buy anything she needs for herself. So I shopped for things she doesn't need - specialty tools. Palm-held citrus zester - Chef'n - $8. Clip-on utensil holder - Michael Graves - well, can't find it's on Target website, one on the photo below is sold at Amazon (Trudeau Pot Clip $7)
Must hear from her in January re these tools...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I have more posts on the subject - and more is coming :) Working on the way to show my labels/tags for letting my visitors/follower to decide what is that they want to explore this time.
