Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Getting America back

What was America for people from abroad in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s?
Freedom equated to Levi Strauss blue jeans, Coca-Cola and chewing gum.

Fact: The word DENIM comes from the name of a sturdy fabric called serge, originally made in Nîmes, France, by the André family. Originally called serge de Nîmes, the name was soon shortened to denim. Denim was traditionally colored blue with indigo dye to make blue "jeans".

Fact: when launched, Coca-Cola's two key ingredients were cocaine and caffeine. The cocaine was derived from the coca leaf and the caffeine from kola nut, leading to the name Coca-Cola.

Fact: In 1906, Frank Fleer invented the first bubble gum called Blibber-Blubber gum. However, the bubble blowing chew was never sold. Therefore all credit goes to employee of the Frank H. Fleer Company, Walter Diemer, who invented the successful pink colored Double Bubble, bubble gum.

The Statue of Liberty with Coca Cola bottle torch made a perfect picture meme which swiftly proliferated the web but not everyone knew that it also had jeans underneath the tunic and was about to produce a translucent pink bubble.

My believes: even Cherry Coke Zero is no good for you.

My doubts: this statement - Benefits of Chewing™ (Wrigley). Ask your dentist. I am sure dentists are getting perks from chewing gum manufacturers for promoting gum while manufacturers of gum promote dental business by, well, selling you gum.

But I digressed. It's all about getting America back, and it's about Levi's jeans. The new CurveID campaign is about finding your perfect fit with Levi's® Curve ID: Slight (for women with straight figures, or have trouble finding jeans that fit at the waist), Demi (for women who are more evenly proportioned aka usually the girls who hardly have trouble finding jeans that fit), Bold (for women with curves who experience waist gapping in the back), and Supreme (for women with the curviest shape and need a back with a higher rise so it doesn't sit too low).

Found my curve ID. Ordered 2 sizes (shipping with code CURVES is free). Selected one. Liked it. Wearing my flared demi curve Levi's right now.

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