Monday, May 29, 2017

Brunch party menu 1-2-3 (part 2)

Part 2. This will feed 33+ people. 

Hash Browns / Mashrooms / Sour Cream / Cheese casserole

Gluten-free, vegetarian

Fry chopped onions till translucent. 
Fry mushrooms till fried. If you see mushroom juice expressed in the process, get rid of it.
Peel and cut potatoes in cubes, place into large bowl with cold water. Wait till the water gets cloudy, dispose of water and repeat.  The objective is to get rid of starch in order to achieve crispness when baking.
Splash oil on backing sheet, bake potatoes (some salt) till golden brown. If you see liquid expressed from potatoes in the process of baking,  get rid of it.
Put mushrooms and onions on top.
Put sour cream (large box) mixed with few eggs and some salt and nutmeg or cloves on top of mushroom/onions.
Bake for some time till top layer feels ready.
Top  with layer of grated cheese and bake till cheese becomes golden-colored melt.
Once ready and removed from the oven, let the casserole rest for 10+ minutes before cutting into it.

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