If I were to choose, I would say get me a wife from the 50s!
I adore cloche hats from the 30s.
But 50s wife as of from "Mad Men" is the best.
This couple is featured in TV series here:
According to Joanne Massey of the UK show Beehive wives her idea of the perfect day is staying in and cooking for her husband “I love nothing better than fastening my pinny round my waist and baking a cake for Kevin in my 1950s kitchen.I put on some lovely Frank Sinatra music and am completely lost in my own little fantasy world. In our marriage, I am very much a lady and Kevin is the breadwinner and my protector. We’ve been married for 13 years and we’re extremely happy because we both know our roles. There is none of the battling for equality that I see in so many marriages today.”
That was from 2008.
"They never mentioned that I do actually have a job (Joanne works two days a week at Shugborough Hall)."
Joanne was also irritated that neither organisation mentioned her considerable vocal talents. The 36-year-old is better known as her alter ego Lola Lamour, a Forties chanteuse who entertains audiences at dances and re-enactment events across the land.
Read more: http://www.stokesentinel.co.uk/1950s-loving-Joanne-happily-stuck-past/story-12504774-detail/story.html#ixzz3gOdRlU4A
That was from 2009.
Joanne has three jobs and she enjoys them all. She works part-time in the shop at a National Trust property near where she lives. “Its a great place to work. Its right on my doorstop and I can cycle to work in the Summer on my 1930's push bike! My colleagues at the shop are good fun and lovely people. I also get to meet and chat with the customers and many locals come in for a chat.”
On some weekends she also works for the lord who lives at the property, which is her second job. Joanne said that it has been a great experience for her working there. She also had worked for Lord Patrick Lichfield up until his death a few years ago. “I enjoyed every minute of it. He was a true English gentleman and I miss him.”
Joanne would work at his house whenever he would have a house party, which was every other weekend in the Autumn as it is shooting season. “I was and am a maid. I do the rooms, serve dinner and help in the kitchen. Pack and unpack for guests. It was one of the best experiences of my life as I met many rich and famous people.” Since Joanne began her singing career, which is her third job, she hasn’t been able to work there much.
That was from 2010 - this interview creates a more sophisticated portrait.
Hope to find more follow-up articles and interviews in recent years.
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