Saturday, April 9, 2016

Charlotka, weekend brunch plans

Plans for weekend branch - onion pie, , may be shaakshuka as well, baby spinash with beets and goat cheese salad, "bread dish with apples".

Bread dish with apples: it's called Charlotka or Sharlotka, I belive it's Russian <-- French (there was a strong French influence before the war with Napoleon in 1812, aristocracy spoke French better than Russian). Layer of dry bread briefly dipped in milk mixed with egg (more mild than eggs, may be 2 cups of milk and 2 eggs), a layer of sour apples (or quince), sprinkled with sugar (I prefer brown sugar) and cinnamon, and again a layer of bread and a layer of apples. Bake on ~400F for some time, till it feels right (30 minutes?). Stick big chunks of butter here and there at some point (before it's done).
Once it cools down, sprinkle with powdered sugar for better presentation.