Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lamb soup and more

This soup is a compilation of many traditional Uzbekistan soups.

Of course, you need lamb and some special sour plums. Cherry plums? When was the last time you've seen these plums? They are out of season in produce section of my supermarket for the past 20+ years.

Anyway, for best results do the following.
Buy a lamb rack - a smaller one is better, it will have less fat - Costco is your best bet price-wise.
You'll also need salt, water, 3 onions, 5 potatoes, 1 of cup rice. Garlic, black pepper and cilantro are optional. 

Put lamb rack whole into wide pot, cover with enough water to make soup and bring to boil. Add salt and simmer at low. Cube 3 medium onions (I don't know exactly how to cube onions, but this is one of the lines from one of the recipes, so I followed this line literally). Add to soup. Add 3 medium-size tomatoes whole. Peel 5 small-to-medium size potatoes of perfect shape and similar size. Add them to soup, bring to boil. In 20 minutes take out the rack and cut along the ribs - you'll get 7-8 bones with meat on. Return them to pot. Take out tomatoes, squish in colander above the pot, remove skin and whatever else you don't like from colander and return the rest of tomatoes to the pot. Add 2-3 chopped garlic cloves and simmer for another few minutes.

To serve on Day One

Each portion will have 1 rib, 1 potato and broth.
Top with chopped cilantro or something else green if you can get  this time of the year.

To serve on Day Two

Put generous amount of boiled rice into the soup plate. Add broth remaining from day 1 to the plate. Heat in micro.
If you are especially lucky, you'll get a bone too.
Tastes great.
It's a different dish with a different name tough, I am not even sure it's called soup. 

Please note that you can feed a family of 5 for 2 days with 1 lamb rack.

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